[ek-suh-dos] /ˈɛk səˌdɒs/
noun, plural exodoi
[ek-suh-doi] /ˈɛk səˌdɔɪ/ (Show IPA)
(in ancient Greek drama) the final scene or departure, especially in tragedy and usually Old Comedy: usually following the last stasimon.
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- Exoenzyme
[ek-soh-en-zahym] /ˌɛk soʊˈɛn zaɪm/ noun, Biochemistry. 1. an , as pepsin, that functions outside the cell producing it. /ˌɛksəʊˈɛnzaɪm/ noun 1. any enzyme, esp an exopeptidase, that acts upon terminal chemical bonds in a chain of molecules Compare endoenzyme 2. another name for ectoenzyme exoenzyme ex·o·en·zyme (ěk’sō-ěn’zīm’) n. See extracellular enzyme.
- Exodus
[ek-suh-duh s] /ˈɛk sə dəs/ noun 1. a going out; a departure or emigration, usually of a large number of people: the summer exodus to the country and shore. 2. the Exodus, the departure of the Israelites from Egypt under Moses. 3. (initial capital letter) the second book of the Bible, containing an account of […]
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[ek-soh-ur-jik] /ˌɛk soʊˈɜr dʒɪk/ adjective, Chemistry. 1. exothermic (opposed to ). /ˌɛksəʊˈɜːdʒɪk/ adjective 1. (of a nuclear reaction) occurring with evolution of energy Compare endoergic, exothermic exoergic (ěk’sō-ûr’jĭk) Relating to a process, such as a chemical or nuclear reaction, that releases energy. Exothermic reactions are exoergic. Compare endoergic.
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[ek-soh-uh-rith-ruh-sit-ik] /ˌɛk soʊ əˌrɪθ rəˈsɪt ɪk/ adjective, Pathology. 1. outside of erythrocytes, as in the development of several malarial parasites in the liver.
- Exoerythrocytic stage
exoerythrocytic stage ex·o·e·ryth·ro·cyt·ic stage (ěk’sō-ĭ-rĭth’rə-sĭt’ĭk) n. The developmental stage of the malaria parasite in liver parenchyma cells of the vertebrate host before the red blood cells become infected.