
[ig-zot-ik] /ɪgˈzɒt ɪk/

of foreign origin or character; not native; introduced from abroad, but not fully naturalized or acclimatized:
exotic foods; exotic plants.
strikingly unusual or strange in effect or appearance:
an exotic hairstyle.
of a uniquely new or experimental nature:
exotic weapons.
of, relating to, or involving stripteasing:
the exotic clubs where strippers are featured.
something that is exotic:
The flower show included several tropical exotics with showy blooms.
an ; a striptease dancer or belly dancer.
originating in a foreign country, esp one in the tropics; not native: an exotic plant
having a strange or bizarre allure, beauty, or quality
(NZ) (of trees, esp pine trees) native to the northern hemisphere but cultivated in New Zealand: an exotic forest
of or relating to striptease
an exotic person or thing

1590s, “belonging to another country,” from Middle French exotique (16c.) and directly from Latin exoticus, from Greek exotikos “foreign,” literally “from the outside,” from exo “outside” (see exo-). Sense of “unusual, strange” first recorded in English 1620s, from notion of “alien, outlandish.” In reference to strip-teasers and dancing girls, it is first attested by 1942, American English.

Exotic dancer in the nightclub trade means a girl who goes through a few motions while wearing as few clothes as the cops will allow in the city where she is working … [“Life,” May 5, 1947]

As a noun from 1640s.

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