Experimental condition
(statistics) one of the distinct states of affairs or values of the independent variable for which the dependent variable is measured in order to carry out statistical tests or calculations Also called condition
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- Experimental
[ik-sper-uh-men-tl] /ɪkˌspɛr əˈmɛn tl/ adjective 1. pertaining to, derived from, or founded on : an experimental science. 2. of the nature of an ; tentative: The new program is still in an experimental stage. 3. functioning as an or used for : an experimental airplane. 4. based on or derived from ; empirical: experimental knowledge. […]
- Explorability
[ik-splawr, -splohr] /ɪkˈsplɔr, -ˈsploʊr/ verb (used with object), explored, exploring. 1. to traverse or range over (a region, area, etc.) for the purpose of discovery: to explore the island. 2. to look into closely; scrutinize; examine: Let us explore the possibilities for improvement. 3. Surgery. to investigate into, especially mechanically, as with a probe. 4. […]
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[ek-spluh-rey-shuh-nist] /ˌɛk spləˈreɪ ʃə nɪst/ noun 1. a person who searches for new sources of oil, natural gas, etc.
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[ik-splawr-uh-tawr-ee, -splohr-uh-tohr-ee] /ɪkˈsplɔr əˌtɔr i, -ˈsploʊr əˌtoʊr i/ adjective 1. pertaining to or concerned with : an exploratory operation. 2. inclined to make . adj. mid-15c., from Latin exploratorius “belonging to scouts,” from explorator “scout,” from explorare (see explore). Alternative explorative is from 1738.
- Explorer
[ik-splawr-er, -splohr-] /ɪkˈsplɔr ər, -ˈsploʊr-/ noun 1. a person or thing that . 2. a person who investigates unknown regions: the great explorers of the Renaissance. 3. any instrument used in or sounding a wound, a cavity in a tooth, or the like. 4. (initial capital letter). Also called Explorer Scout. a person between the […]