[noun ik-sper-uh-muh nt; verb ek-sper-uh-ment] /noun ɪkˈspɛr ə mənt; verb ɛkˈspɛr əˌmɛnt/
a test, trial, or tentative procedure; an act or operation for the purpose of discovering something unknown or of testing a principle, supposition, etc.:
a chemical experiment; a teaching experiment; an experiment in living.
the conducting of such operations; :
a product that is the result of long experiment.
Obsolete. .
verb (used without object)
to try or test, especially in order to discover or prove something:
to experiment with a new procedure.
noun (ɪkˈspɛrɪmənt)
a test or investigation, esp one planned to provide evidence for or against a hypothesis: a scientific experiment
the act of conducting such an investigation or test; experimentation; research
an attempt at something new or different; an effort to be original: a poetic experiment
an obsolete word for experience
verb (ɪkˈspɛrɪˌmɛnt)
(intransitive) to make an experiment or experiments
mid-14c., from Old French esperment “practical knowledge, cunning, enchantment; trial, proof, example, lesson,” from Latin experimentum “a trial, test, proof, experiment,” noun of action from experiri “to test, try” (see experience).
late 15c., from experiment (n.). Related: Experimented; experimenting.
experiment ex·per·i·ment (ĭk-spěr’ə-mənt)
v. ex·per·i·ment·ed, ex·per·i·ment·ing, ex·per·i·ments (-měnt’)
ex·per’i·ment’er n.
A test or procedure carried out under controlled conditions to determine the validity of a hypothesis or make a discovery. See Note at hypothesis.
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[noun ik-sper-uh-muh nt; verb ek-sper-uh-ment] /noun ɪkˈspɛr ə mənt; verb ɛkˈspɛr əˌmɛnt/ noun 1. a test, trial, or tentative procedure; an act or operation for the purpose of discovering something unknown or of testing a principle, supposition, etc.: a chemical experiment; a teaching experiment; an experiment in living. 2. the conducting of such operations; : […]
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