[ek-spli-kan-duh m] /ˌɛk splɪˈkæn dəm/
noun, plural explicanda
[ek-spli-kan-duh] /ˌɛk splɪˈkæn də/ (Show IPA)
a term or statement that is to be explained, as in a philosophical discussion.
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[ek-spli-kanz] /ˈɛk splɪˌkænz/ noun, plural explicantia [ek-spli-kan-shee-uh] /ˌɛk splɪˈkæn ʃi ə/ (Show IPA) 1. the meaning of a term or statement, as in a philosophical discussion.
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[ek-spli-keyt] /ˈɛk splɪˌkeɪt/ verb (used with object), explicated, explicating. 1. to make plain or clear; explain; interpret. 2. to develop (a principle, theory, etc.). /ˈɛksplɪˌkeɪt/ verb (transitive) (formal) 1. to make clear or explicit; explain 2. to formulate or develop (a theory, hypothesis, etc) v. 1530s, from Latin explicatus, past participle of explicare “unfold, unravel, […]
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[ek-spli-key-shuh n] /ˌɛk splɪˈkeɪ ʃən/ noun 1. the act of . 2. an explanation; interpretation: He gave a brilliant explication of James Joyce’s book. /ˌɛksplɪˈkeɪʃən/ noun 1. the act or process of explicating 2. analysis or interpretation, esp of a literary passage or work or philosophical doctrine 3. a comprehensive exposition or description n. 1520s, […]
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[ek-spli-key-tiv, ik-splik-uh-tiv] /ˈɛk splɪˌkeɪ tɪv, ɪkˈsplɪk ə tɪv/ adjective 1. explanatory; interpretive. adj. 1640s, “having the function of explaining,” from Latin explicativus, from explicare (see explicit). As a noun, from 1775.