[ik-spoh-zuh l] /ɪkˈspoʊ zəl/
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- Expose
[ik-spohz] /ɪkˈspoʊz/ verb (used with object), exposed, exposing. 1. to lay open to danger, attack, harm, etc.: to expose soldiers to gunfire; to expose one’s character to attack. 2. to lay open to something specified: to expose oneself to the influence of bad companions. 3. to uncover or bare to the air, cold, etc.: to […]
- Exposed
[ik-spohzd] /ɪkˈspoʊzd/ adjective 1. left or being without shelter or protection: The house stood on a windy, exposed cliff. 2. laid open to view; unconcealed: an exposed king of spades. 3. susceptible to attack; vulnerable. [ik-spohz] /ɪkˈspoʊz/ verb (used with object), exposed, exposing. 1. to lay open to danger, attack, harm, etc.: to expose soldiers […]
- Exposer
[ik-spohz] /ɪkˈspoʊz/ verb (used with object), exposed, exposing. 1. to lay open to danger, attack, harm, etc.: to expose soldiers to gunfire; to expose one’s character to attack. 2. to lay open to something specified: to expose oneself to the influence of bad companions. 3. to uncover or bare to the air, cold, etc.: to […]
- Exposing
[ik-spohz] /ɪkˈspoʊz/ verb (used with object), exposed, exposing. 1. to lay open to danger, attack, harm, etc.: to expose soldiers to gunfire; to expose one’s character to attack. 2. to lay open to something specified: to expose oneself to the influence of bad companions. 3. to uncover or bare to the air, cold, etc.: to […]
- Exposit
[ik-spoz-it] /ɪkˈspɒz ɪt/ verb (used with object) 1. to expound, as a theory, cause, or the like.