[ik-spoz-i-ter] /ɪkˈspɒz ɪ tər/
a person who expounds or gives an exposition.
a person who expounds
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[ik-spoz-i-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee] /ɪkˈspɒz ɪˌtɔr i, -ˌtoʊr i/ adjective 1. of the nature of exposition; serving to , set forth, or explain: an expository essay; expository writing. /ɪkˈspɒzɪtərɪ; -trɪ/ adjective 1. of, involving, or assisting in exposition; explanatory adj. 1620s, from Medieval Latin expositorius, from expositus, past participle of exponere (see expound). Earlier in English as […]
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/ˈɛkspəʊˌsəʊm/ noun 1. a collection of environmental factors, such as stress and diet, to which an individual is exposed and which can have an effect on health
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[eks pohst] /ɛks ˈpoʊst/ adjective 1. based on analysis of past performance (opposed to ).
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[eks pohst fak-toh] /ˈɛks ˌpoʊst ˈfæk toʊ/ adverb 1. from or by subsequent action; subsequently; retrospectively; retroactively. adjective 2. having retroactive force; made or done subsequently: an ex post facto law. /ɛks pəʊst ˈfæktəʊ/ adjective 1. having retrospective effect: an ex post facto law from Medieval Latin ex postfacto, “from what is done afterwards.” ex […]
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[ik-spos-chuh-leyt] /ɪkˈspɒs tʃəˌleɪt/ verb (used without object), expostulated, expostulating. 1. to reason earnestly with someone against something that person intends to do or has done; remonstrate: His father expostulated with him about the evils of gambling. /ɪkˈspɒstjʊˌleɪt/ verb 1. (intransitive) usually foll by with. to argue or reason (with), esp in order to dissuade from […]