
[ik-strav-uh-guh nt] /ɪkˈstræv ə gənt/

spending much more than is necessary or wise; wasteful:
an extravagant shopper.
excessively high:
extravagant expenses; extravagant prices.
exceeding the bounds of reason, as actions, demands, opinions, or passions.
going beyond what is deserved or justifiable:
extravagant praise.
Obsolete. wandering beyond bounds.
spending money excessively or immoderately
going beyond usual bounds; unrestrained: extravagant praise
ostentatious; showy
exorbitant in price; overpriced

late 14c., from Medieval Latin extravagantem, originally a word in Canon Law for uncodified papal decrees, present participle of extravagari “wander outside or beyond,” from Latin extra “outside of” (see extra-) + vagari “wander, roam” (see vague). Extended sense of “excessive, extreme” first recorded 1590s; that of “wasteful, lavish” 1711. Related: Extravagantly.

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