finmark; Finnish markka.
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[flahy] /flaɪ/ adjective, British Informal. 1. clever; keen; ingenious. 2. agile; nimble. /flaɪ/ verb flies, flying, flew, flown 1. (intransitive) (of birds, aircraft, etc) to move through the air in a controlled manner using aerodynamic forces 2. to travel over (an area of land or sea) in an aircraft 3. to operate (an aircraft or […]
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[flahy-er] /ˈflaɪ ər/ noun 1. Textiles. 2. . [flahy] /flaɪ/ adjective, British Informal. 1. clever; keen; ingenious. 2. agile; nimble. [flahy-er] /ˈflaɪ ər/ noun 1. something that , as a bird or insect. 2. an aviator or pilot. 3. an airplane passenger, especially one who travels regularly by air. 4. a person or thing that […]
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Flatland Meteorological Observatory