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[boh] /boʊ/ noun, Dentistry. 1. a device for determining the relationship of the maxillae to the mandibular joint. face-bow (fās’bō’) n. A caliperlike device used in dentistry to record the relationship of the jaws to the temporomandibular joints.
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noun 1. the king, queen, or jack of playing cards. noun 1. (in a pack of playing cards) a king, queen, or jack of any suit Also called (in Britain and certain other countries) court card noun phrase An important person; star; big shot: Oh, don’t be so modest, you’re a face card yourself now […]
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adjective 1. (of a crystal) having a lattice point at the centre of each face of each unit cell as well as at the corners Compare body-centred
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[feys-sen-terd] /ˈfeɪsˌsɛn tərd/ adjective, Crystallography. 1. (of a crystal structure) having lattice points on the faces of the unit cells.
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[feys-klawth, -kloth] /ˈfeɪsˌklɔθ, -ˌklɒθ/ noun, plural facecloths [feys-klawth z, -kloth z, -klawths, -kloths] /ˈfeɪsˌklɔðz, -ˌklɒðz, -ˌklɔθs, -ˌklɒθs/ (Show IPA) 1. .