[fat-woo d] /ˈfætˌwʊd/
noun, South Atlantic States.
kindling; lightwood.
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Florida Atlantic University
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[foh-boo r, -boo rg; French foh-boor] /ˈfoʊ bʊər, -bʊərg; French foʊˈbur/ noun, plural faubourgs [foh-boo rz, -boo rgz; French foh-boor] /ˈfoʊ bʊərz, -bʊərgz; French foʊˈbur/ (Show IPA) 1. a suburb or a quarter just outside a French city. /ˈfəʊbʊəɡ; French fobur/ noun 1. a suburb or quarter, esp of a French city n. “suburb,” late […]
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