[faw-seez] /ˈfɔ siz/
noun, plural fauces.
Anatomy. the cavity at the back of the mouth, leading into the pharynx.
a vestibule of an ancient Roman house.
noun (pl) -ces
(anatomy) the area between the cavity of the mouth and the pharynx, including the surrounding tissues
fauces fau·ces (fô’sēz’)
The passage from the back of the mouth to the pharynx, bounded by the soft palate, the base of the tongue, and the palatine arches.
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[faw-seez] /ˈfɔ siz/ noun, plural fauces. 1. Anatomy. the cavity at the back of the mouth, leading into the pharynx. 2. a vestibule of an ancient Roman house. /ˈfɔːsiːz/ noun (pl) -ces 1. (anatomy) the area between the cavity of the mouth and the pharynx, including the surrounding tissues faucial fau·cial (fô’shəl) or fau·cal (-kəl) […]
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