
[fee-mer] /ˈfi mər/

noun, plural femurs, femora
[fem-er-uh] /ˈfɛm ər ə/ (Show IPA)
Anatomy. a bone in the human leg extending from the pelvis to the knee, that is the longest, largest, and strongest in the body; thighbone.
Zoology. a corresponding bone of the leg or hind limb of an animal.
Entomology. the third segment of the leg of an insect (counting from the base), situated between the trochanter and the tibia.
noun (pl) femurs, femora (ˈfɛmərə)
the longest thickest bone of the human skeleton, articulating with the pelvis above and the knee below Nontechnical name thighbone
the corresponding bone in other vertebrates
the segment of an insect’s leg nearest to the body

1560s, from Latin femur “thigh,” of unknown origin; borrowed first as an architectural term, 1799 as “thighbone.”

femur fe·mur (fē’mər)
n. pl. fe·murs or fem·o·ra (fěm’ər-ə)

The long bone of the thigh or of the upper portion of the hind leg. See more at skeleton.

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