Ferdinand VI
1713–59, king of Spain 1746–59 (son of Philip V).
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- Ferdinand VII
noun 1. 1784–1833, king of Spain 1808, 1814–33. noun 1. 1784–1833, king of Spain (1808; 1814–33). He precipitated the Carlist Wars by excluding his brother Don Carlos as his successor
- Ferdinand von zeppelin
[tsep-uh-leen, tsep-uh-leen; English zep-uh-lin] /ˌtsɛp əˈlin, ˈtsɛp əˌlin; English ˈzɛp ə lɪn/ noun 1. Count Ferdinand von [fer-di-nahnt fuh n] /ˈfɛr dɪˌnɑnt fən/ (Show IPA), 1838–1917, German general and aeronaut: designer and manufacturer of the zeppelin. /ˈzɛpəlɪn/ noun 1. (sometimes capital) a large cylindrical rigid airship built from 1900 to carry passengers, and used in […]
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[fer-duh s] /ˈfɛr dəs/ noun 1. .
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[fer-duhtst] /fərˈdʌtst/ adjective, Chiefly Pennsylvania German Area. 1. confused; bewildered.
- Fere
[feer] /fɪər/ noun, Archaic. 1. a companion; mate. /fɪə; Scottish fiːr/ noun (Scot) 1. a companion 2. Also fier. a husband or wife n. “companion” (obsolete), from Middle English fere, a shortening of Old English gefera “associate, comrade, fellow-disciple; wife, man, servant,” from root of faran “to go, travel” (cf. German Gefährte “companion;” see fare […]