[fer-mah-tuh; Italian fer-mah-tah] /fɛrˈmɑ tə; Italian fɛrˈmɑ tɑ/
noun, plural fermatas Italian, fermate
[fer-mah-te] /fɛrˈmɑ tɛ/ (Show IPA). Music.
the sustaining of a note, chord, or rest for a duration longer than the indicated time value, with the length of the extension at the performer’s discretion.
a symbol placed over a note, chord, or rest indicating a fermata.
noun (pl) -tas, -te (-tɪ)
(music) another word for pause (sense 5)
1876, musical term, Italian, literally “stop, pause,” from fermare “to fasten, to stop,” from fermo “strong, fastened,” from Latin firmus (see firm (adj.)).
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