
See under 1 (def 1).
[krik-it] /ˈkrɪk ɪt/
any of several jumping, orthopterous insects of the family Gryllidae, characterized by long antennae and stridulating organs on the forewings of the male, as one of the species commonly found in pastures and meadows (field cricket) or on trees and shrubs (tree cricket)
a small metal toy with a flat metal spring that snaps back and forth with a clicking, cricketlike noise when pressed.
any insect of the orthopterous family Gryllidae, having long antennae and, in the males, the ability to produce a chirping sound (stridulation) by rubbing together the leathery forewings
any of various related insects, such as the mole cricket

(informal) not cricket, not fair play
verb (intransitive)
to play cricket
a small low stool

the insect, early 14c., from Old French criquet (12c.) “a cricket,” from criquer “to creak, rattle, crackle,” of echoic origin.

the game, 1590s, apparently from Old French criquet “goal post, stick,” perhaps from Middle Dutch/Middle Flemish cricke “stick, staff,” perhaps from the same root as crutch. Sense of “fair play” is first recorded 1851, on notion of “cricket as it should be played.”

Related Terms

not cricket
see: not cricket

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