
[fiz] /fɪz/

verb (used without object)
to make a hissing or sputtering sound; effervesce.
a fizzing sound; effervescence.
soda water or other effervescent water.
an iced mixed drink made of liquor, lemon juice, sugar, and soda:
gin fizz.
British Informal. .
verb (intransitive)
to make a hissing or bubbling sound
(of a drink) to produce bubbles of carbon dioxide, either through fermentation or aeration
a hissing or bubbling sound
the bubbly quality of a drink; effervescence
any effervescent drink

1660s, of imitative origin. Related: Fizzed; fizzing. The noun is recorded from 1812; meaning “effervescent drink” is from 1864.


A failure; fizzle: ”It was a big fizz,” the ambassador said (1940s+)

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