[floo r-uh-skop-ik, flawr-, flohr-] /ˌflʊər əˈskɒp ɪk, ˌflɔr-, ˌfloʊr-/
of or relating to the or fluoroscopy.
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- Fluoroscopy
[floo-ros-kuh-pee, flaw-, floh-] /flʊˈrɒs kə pi, flɔ-, floʊ-/ noun 1. the use of or examination by means of a fluoroscope. /flʊəˈrɒskəpɪ/ noun 1. examination of a person or object by means of a fluoroscope n. 1896, from fluor- (see fluorescence) + -oscopy (see -scope). fluoroscopy fluo·ros·co·py (flu-rŏs’kə-pē, flô-) n. Examination by means of a fluoroscope. […]
- Fluorosis
[floo-roh-sis, flaw-, floh-] /flʊˈroʊ sɪs, flɔ-, floʊ-/ noun, Pathology. 1. an abnormal condition caused by excessive intake of fluorides, characterized in children by discoloration and pitting of the teeth and in adults by pathological bone changes. 2. Also called mottled enamel. Dentistry. the changes in tooth enamel symptomatic of fluorosis. /flʊəˈrəʊsɪs/ noun 1. fluoride poisoning, […]
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[floo r-uh-yoo r-uh-sil, flawr-, flohr-] /ˌflʊər əˈyʊər ə sɪl, ˌflɔr-, ˌfloʊr-/ noun, Pharmacology. 1. a pyrimidine analog, C 4 H 3 FN 2 O 2 , used in the treatment of certain cancers. fluorouracil fluor·o·u·ra·cil (flur’ō-yur’ə-sĭl, flôr’-) n. An antineoplastic agent used especially in the treatment of cancers of the skin, breast, and digestive system.
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[floo-awr-spahr, -er-] /ˈflu ɔrˌspɑr, -ər-/ noun, Mineralogy. 1. . /ˈflʊəˌspɑː/ noun 1. a white or colourless mineral sometimes fluorescent and often tinted by impurities, found in veins and as deposits from hot gases. It is used in the manufacture of glass, enamel, and jewellery, and is the chief ore of fluorine. Composition: calcium fluoride. Formula: […]
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[floo-uh-sil-i-kit, -keyt] /ˌflu əˈsɪl ɪ kɪt, -ˌkeɪt/ noun, Chemistry. 1. a salt of fluosilicic acid.