adjective, adverb
describing a type of package-deal holiday in which the price includes outward and return flights and car hire while away
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- Fly-fish
[flahy-fish] /ˈflaɪˌfɪʃ/ verb (used without object), Angling. 1. to fish with artificial flies as bait. verb 1. (intransitive) (angling) to fish using artificial flies as lures See dry fly, wet fly
- Fly-fishing
[flahy-fish-ing] /ˈflaɪˌfɪʃ ɪŋ/ noun 1. Angling. a method of fishing in which fly casting is used. [flahy-fish] /ˈflaɪˌfɪʃ/ verb (used without object), Angling. 1. to fish with artificial flies as bait. verb 1. (intransitive) (angling) to fish using artificial flies as lures See dry fly, wet fly
- Fly-front
noun 1. a flap of material down one side of the front opening of a garment to conceal buttons, fasteners, or the like, as on a coat or dress.
- Fly-gallery
noun, Theater. 1. a narrow platform at the side of a stage from which ropes are manipulated to raise or lower scenery, battens, etc.
- Fly-honeysuckle
noun 1. either of two honeysuckle shrubs, Lonicera canadensis, of eastern North America, or L. xylosteum, of Eurasia, having paired yellowish flowers tinged with red.