noun, Angling.
a line for use in fly-fishing.
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[flahy] /flaɪ/ verb (used without object), flew or for 11, 19, flied, flown, flying. 1. to move through the air using wings. 2. to be carried through the air by the wind or any other force or agency: bits of paper flying about. 3. to float or flutter in the air: flags flying in the […]
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[flahy-muh n] /ˈflaɪ mən/ noun, plural flymen. Theater. 1. a stagehand, especially one who operates the apparatus in the . /ˈflaɪmən/ noun (pl) -men 1. (theatre) a stagehand who operates the scenery, curtains, etc, in the flies
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noun 1. a net or fringe to protect a horse from flies or other insects.
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[flin] /flɪn/ noun 1. Errol, 1909–59, U.S. actor, born in Tasmania. /flɪn/ noun 1. Errol. 1909–59, Australian-born Hollywood actor, who was noted for his swashbuckling roles; his films included Captain Blood (1935), The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938), and Too Much Too Soon (1958) 2. Rev. John. 1880–1951, founder of the Australian flying doctor service […]
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[flahy-awf, -of] /ˈflaɪˌɔf, -ˌɒf/ noun 1. Meteorology. (def 1). 2. a competition between aircraft of various manufacturers to establish superior performance, especially in order to gain a government contract.