Fly orchid
a European orchid, Ophrys insectifera, whose flowers resemble and attract certain wasps: found in wood margins and scrub on lime-rich soils
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- Flyover
[flahy-oh-ver] /ˈflaɪˌoʊ vər/ noun 1. a formation of aircraft in flight for observation from the ground, especially a prearranged, low-altitude flight over a public gathering. 2. a flight over a simulated target by a bomber or bombing planes. 3. a flight over a specified area, as for viewing: We booked a one-hour flyover of the […]
- Flypaper
[flahy-pey-per] /ˈflaɪˌpeɪ pər/ noun 1. designed to destroy by catching them on its sticky surface or poisoning them on contact. /ˈflaɪˌpeɪpə/ noun 1. paper with a sticky and poisonous coating, usually hung from the ceiling to trap flies n. 1851 (though the item itself is said to have become commonly available in London in 1848), […]
- Flypast
[flahy-past, -pahst] /ˈflaɪˌpæst, -ˌpɑst/ noun 1. (def 2a).
- Fly-past
noun 1. a ceremonial flight of aircraft over a given area Also called (esp US) flyover
- Flyposting
/ˈflaɪˌpəʊstɪŋ/ noun 1. the posting of advertising or political bills, posters, etc in unauthorized places