a device for killing flies, mosquitoes, and other insects, usually a square sheet of wire mesh attached to a long handle.
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- Fly-swat
noun, Chiefly Southern U.S. 1. .
- Flyte
[flahyt] /flaɪt/ Scot. and North England verb (used without object), flyted, flyting, noun 1. . [flahyt] /flaɪt/ Scot. and North England verb (used without object), flited, fliting. 1. to dispute; wrangle; scold; jeer. noun 2. a dispute or wrangle; scolding. /flaɪt; Scottish fləɪt/ verb 1. a variant spelling of flite /flaɪt; Scottish fləɪt/ verb 1. […]
- Flyted
[flahyt] /flaɪt/ Scot. and North England verb (used without object), flyted, flyting, noun 1. . [flahyt] /flaɪt/ Scot. and North England verb (used without object), flited, fliting. 1. to dispute; wrangle; scold; jeer. noun 2. a dispute or wrangle; scolding. /flaɪt; Scottish fləɪt/ verb 1. (transitive) to scold or rail at noun 2. a dispute […]
- Flytes
[flahyt] /flaɪt/ Scot. and North England verb (used without object), flyted, flyting, noun 1. . [flahyt] /flaɪt/ Scot. and North England verb (used without object), flited, fliting. 1. to dispute; wrangle; scold; jeer. noun 2. a dispute or wrangle; scolding. /flaɪt; Scottish fləɪt/ verb 1. (transitive) to scold or rail at noun 2. a dispute […]
- Flythrough
noun See fly-through