[fohk-suh l] /ˈfoʊk səl/
noun, Nautical.
[fohk-suh l, fawr-kas-uh l, -kah-suh l, fohr-] /ˈfoʊk səl, ˈfɔrˌkæs əl, -ˌkɑ səl, ˈfoʊr-/
noun, Nautical.
a superstructure at or immediately aft of the bow of a vessel, used as a shelter for stores, machinery, etc., or as quarters for sailors.
any sailors’ quarters located in the forward part of a vessel, as a deckhouse.
the forward part of the weather deck of a vessel, especially that part forward of the foremast.
a variant spelling of forecastle
the part of a vessel at the bow where the crew is quartered and stores, machines, etc, may be stowed
c.1400, earlier Anglo-French forechasteil (mid-14c.), from Middle English fore- “before” + Anglo-French castel “fortified tower,” the short raised deck in the fore part of the ship used in warfare (see castle (n.)). Spelling fo’c’sle reflects sailors’ pronunciation.
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