Foefie slide
(South African) a rope, fixed at an incline, along which a person suspended on a pulley may traverse a space, esp across a river
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[feyn; German fœn] /feɪn; German fœn/ noun 1. a warm, dry wind descending a mountain, as on the north side of the Alps. /fɜːn; German føːn/ noun 1. (meteorol) a variant spelling of föhn foehn also föhn (fɶn, fān) A warm, dry, and often strong wind coming off the lee slopes of a mountain range, […]
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[foh-muh n] /ˈfoʊ mən/ noun, plural foemen. Literary. 1. an enemy in war. /ˈfəʊmən/ noun (pl) -men 1. (archaic or poetic) an enemy in war; foe
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noun phrase Information; facts; the 411, the SCOOP, the SKINNY [1990s+ Black; fr 411, the telephone number called for customers’ telephone listings]
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[fawrst-ner] /ˈfɔrst nər/ noun, Carpentry. 1. . [fawrst-ner] /ˈfɔrst nər/ noun, Carpentry. 1. a bit for drilling blind holes, guided from the rim rather than from the center to permit it to enter the wood at an oblique angle.
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[feet-l] /ˈfit l/ adjective, Embryology. 1. of, relating to, or having the character of a . /ˈfiːtəl/ adjective 1. a variant spelling of fetal /ˈfiːtəl/ adjective 1. of, relating to, or resembling a fetus adj. see fetal; for spelling, see oe. adj. 1811, from fetus + -al (1). fetal fe·tal (fēt’l) adj. Of, relating to, […]