[foh-gee] /ˈfoʊ gi/
noun, plural fogeys.
[foh-gee] /ˈfoʊ gi/
noun, plural fogies.
an excessively conservative or old-fashioned person, especially one who is intellectually dull (usually preceded by old):
The board of directors were old fogies still living in the 19th century.
noun (pl) -geys, -gies
an extremely fussy, old-fashioned, or conservative person (esp in the phrase old fogey)
also fogy, “an old, dull fellow,” 1780, Scottish foggie, originally “army pensioner or veteran,” perhaps connected to fogram (1775) “old-fashioned person;” or from fog in obsolete senses of “moss” or “bloated fat” (1580s).
[origin uncertain; perhaps fr French fougeux, ”fierce, fiery,” referring to the doughty spirit of an invalid soldier, whence fogy, ”fierce, fiery,” found by the 1860s; veteran soldiers were called foggies in the late 1700s, perhaps because they were regarded as moss-covered with age, fog being Scots dialect for ”moss”]
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