Fogged out
adjective phrase
Befuddled and deluded by narcotics: A lot of people were fogged out and super-egotistic in that drugged-out way (1970s+ Narcotics)
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- Fogger
[fog-er, faw-ger] /ˈfɒg ər, ˈfɔ gər/ noun 1. a device that spreads a chemical, as an insecticide, in the form of a .
- Foggia
[fawd-jah] /ˈfɔd dʒɑ/ noun 1. a city in SE Italy. /Italian ˈfɔddʒa/ noun 1. a city in SE Italy, in Apulia: seat of Emperor Frederick II; centre for Carbonari revolutionary societies in the revolts of 1820, 1848, and 1860. Pop: 155 203 (2001)
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[fog-ee, faw-gee] /ˈfɒg i, ˈfɔ gi/ adjective, foggier, foggiest. 1. thick with or having much ; misty: a foggy valley; a foggy spring day. 2. covered or enveloped as if with : a foggy mirror. 3. blurred or obscured as if by ; not clear; vague: I haven’t the foggiest notion of where she went. […]
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[fog, fawg] /fɒg, fɔg/ noun 1. a cloudlike mass or layer of minute water droplets or ice crystals near the surface of the earth, appreciably reducing visibility. Compare , , . 2. any darkened state of the atmosphere, or the diffused substance that causes it. 3. a state of mental confusion or unawareness; daze; stupor: […]
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noun 1. a gun, fired at regular intervals, used as a warning signal in fog.