Flight Operations Local Area Network
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[foh-leyt] /ˈfoʊ leɪt/ noun, Biochemistry. 1. . 2. a salt or ester of . folate fo·late (fō’lāt’) n.
- Fold
[fohld] /foʊld/ verb (used with object) 1. to bend (cloth, paper, etc.) over upon itself. 2. to bring into a compact form by bending and laying parts together (often followed by up): to fold up a map; to fold one’s legs under oneself. 3. to bring (the arms, hands, etc.) together in an intertwined or […]
- Foldable
[fohld] /foʊld/ verb (used with object) 1. to bend (cloth, paper, etc.) over upon itself. 2. to bring into a compact form by bending and laying parts together (often followed by up): to fold up a map; to fold one’s legs under oneself. 3. to bring (the arms, hands, etc.) together in an intertwined or […]
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noun 1. (geology) a linear or arcuate region of the earth’s surface that has been subjected to severe folding and thrust faulting
- Foldaway
[fohld-uh-wey] /ˈfoʊld əˌweɪ/ adjective 1. designed to be out of the way when not in use: a foldaway bed. noun 2. an object, as a bed, that can be and stored away when not in use. /ˈfəʊldəˌweɪ/ adjective 1. (prenominal) (of a bed) able to be folded and put away when not in use