Folded dipole
a type of aerial, widely used with television and VHF radio receivers, consisting of two parallel dipoles connected together at their outer ends and fed at the centre of one of them. The length is usually half the operating wavelength
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- Folded lung syndrome
folded lung syndrome fold·ed lung syndrome (fōl’dĭd) n. Collapse of part of the lung caught between shrinking fibrous pleura scars, which sometimes results from pleural asbestosis. Also called round atelectasis.
- Folder
[fohl-der] /ˈfoʊl dər/ noun 1. a person or thing that . 2. a printed sheet, as a circular or timetable, into a number of usually pagelike sections. 3. a folded sheet of light cardboard used to cover or hold papers, letters, etc., as in a file. 4. Computers. (def 4a). /ˈfəʊldə/ noun 1. a binder […]
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[fol-duh-rol] /ˈfɒl dəˌrɒl/ noun 1. . /ˈfɒldəˌrɒl/ noun 1. a variant of falderal noun Wasted effort; also, mere nonsense: the falderal involved in PTA
- Folding-chair
noun 1. a chair that can be collapsed flat for easy storage or transport.
- Folding
[fohld] /foʊld/ verb (used with object) 1. to bend (cloth, paper, etc.) over upon itself. 2. to bring into a compact form by bending and laying parts together (often followed by up): to fold up a map; to fold one’s legs under oneself. 3. to bring (the arms, hands, etc.) together in an intertwined or […]