[foh-lee-ij] /ˈfoʊ li ɪdʒ/
the leaves of a plant, collectively; leafage.
leaves in general.
the representation of leaves, flowers, and branches in painting, architectural ornament, etc.
the green leaves of a plant
sprays of leaves used for decoration
an ornamental leaflike design
mid-15c., from Middle French feuillage, from Old French feuille “leaf” (see foil (n.)). The form has altered by influence of Latin folium.
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- Foliar
[foh-lee-er] /ˈfoʊ li ər/ adjective 1. of, relating to, or having the nature of a leaf or leaves. /ˈfəʊlɪə/ adjective 1. of or relating to a leaf or leaves
- Foliage-plant
noun 1. any plant grown chiefly for its attractive leaves.
- Foliate
[adjective foh-lee-it, -eyt; verb foh-lee-eyt] /adjective ˈfoʊ li ɪt, -ˌeɪt; verb ˈfoʊ liˌeɪt/ adjective 1. covered with or having leaves. 2. like a leaf, as in shape. 3. Also, foliated. Architecture. 4. Petrology, Mineralogy. (def 2). verb (used without object), foliated, foliating. 5. to put forth leaves. 6. to split into thin leaflike layers or […]
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[foh-lee-ey-tid] /ˈfoʊ liˌeɪ tɪd/ adjective 1. shaped like a leaf or leaves: foliated ornaments. 2. Also, foliate. Petrology, Mineralogy. consisting of thin and separable laminae. 3. Architecture. (def 3). [adjective foh-lee-it, -eyt; verb foh-lee-eyt] /adjective ˈfoʊ li ɪt, -ˌeɪt; verb ˈfoʊ liˌeɪt/ adjective 1. covered with or having leaves. 2. like a leaf, as in […]
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