
[fer-get] /fərˈgɛt/

verb (used with object), forgot or (Archaic) forgat; forgotten or forgot; forgetting.
to cease or fail to remember; be unable to recall:
to forget someone’s name.
to omit or neglect unintentionally:
I forgot to shut the window before leaving.
to leave behind unintentionally; neglect to take:
to forget one’s keys.
to omit mentioning; leave unnoticed.
to fail to think of; take no note of.
to neglect willfully; disregard or slight.
verb (used without object), forgot or (Archaic) forgat; forgotten or forgot; forgetting.
to cease or omit to think of something.
forget oneself, to say or do something improper or unbefitting one’s rank, position, or character.
verb -gets, -getting, -got -gotten, (archaic, dialect) -got
(when transitive, may take a clause as object or an infinitive) to fail to recall (someone or something once known); be unable to remember
(transitive; may take a clause as object or an infinitive) to neglect, usually as the result of an unintentional error
(transitive) to leave behind by mistake
(transitive) to disregard intentionally
(when transitive, may take a clause as object) to fail to mention
forget oneself

forget it!, an exclamation of annoyed or forgiving dismissal of a matter or topic

Old English forgietan, from for-, used here with negative force, “away, amiss, opposite” + gietan “to grasp” (see get). To “un-get,” hence “to lose” from the mind. A common Germanic construction (cf. Old Saxon fargetan, Old Frisian forjeta, Dutch vergeten, Old High German firgezzan, German vergessen “to forget”). The literal sense would be “to lose (one’s) grip on,” but that is not recorded in any Germanic language. Related: Forgetting; forgot; forgotten.
In addition to the idiom beginning with forget

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