
[fran-ches-kuh, frahn-; Italian frahn-che-skah] /frænˈtʃɛs kə, frɑn-; Italian frɑnˈtʃɛ skɑ/

Piero della
[pee-air-oh del-uh;; Italian pye-raw del-lah] /piˈɛər oʊ ˈdɛl ə;; Italian ˈpyɛ rɔ ˈdɛl lɑ/ (Show IPA), (Piero dei Franceschi) c1420–92, Italian painter.
Also, Francisca
[fran-sis-kuh] /frænˈsɪs kə/ (Show IPA). a female given name, form of .
/Italian franˈtʃeska/
See Piero della Francesca

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