Francesco sforza

[sfawrt-suh; Italian sfawr-tsah] /ˈsfɔrt sə; Italian ˈsfɔr tsɑ/

Count Carlo
[kahr-law] /ˈkɑr lɔ/ (Show IPA), 1873–1952, Italian statesman: anti-Fascist leader.
[frahn-ches-kaw] /frɑnˈtʃɛs kɔ/ (Show IPA), 1401–66, Italian condottiere and duke of Milan 1450–66.
his father, Giacomuzzo
[jah-kaw-moo-tsaw] /ˌdʒɑ kɔˈmu tsɔ/ (Show IPA), or Muzio
[moo-tsyaw] /ˈmu tsyɔ/ (Show IPA), 1369–1424, Italian condottiere.
[law-daw-vee-kaw] /ˌlɔ dɔˈvi kɔ/ (Show IPA), (“the Moor”) 1451–1508, duke of Milan 1494–1500 (son of Francesco Sforza).
/Italian ˈsfɔrtsa/
Count Carlo (ˈkarlo). 1873–1952, Italian statesman; leader of the anti-Fascist opposition
Francesco (franˈtʃesko). 1401–66, duke of Milan (1450–66)
his father Giacomuzzo (dʒakoˈmuttso) or Muzio (ˈmuttsjo), original name Attendolo. 1369–1424, Italian condottiere and founder of the dynasty that ruled Milan (1450–1535)
Lodovico (lodoˈviːko), called the Moor. 1451– 1508, duke of Milan (1494–1500), but effective ruler from 1480; patron of Leonardo da Vinci

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