Francis crick
[krik] /krɪk/
Francis Harry Compton, 1916–2004, English biophysicist: Nobel Prize in Medicine 1962.
a painful muscle spasm or cramp, esp in the neck or back
(transitive) to cause a crick in (the neck, back, etc)
(US & Canadian) a dialect word for creek (sense 2)
Francis Harry Compton. 1916–2004, English molecular biologist: helped to discover the helical structure of DNA; Nobel prize for physiology or medicine shared with James Watson and Maurice Wilkins 1962
early 15c., of uncertain origin; OED says “probably onomatopœic.”
crick (krĭk)
A painful cramp or muscle spasm, as in the back or neck. v. cricked, crick·ing, cricks
To cause a painful cramp or muscle spasm in by turning or wrenching.
Crick (krĭk), Francis Henry Compton. Born 1916.
British biologist who with James D. Watson proposed a spiral model, the double helix, for the molecular structure of DNA. He shared a 1962 Nobel Prize for advances in the study of genetics.
British biologist who with James D. Watson identified the structure of DNA in 1953. By analyzing the patterns cast by x-rays striking DNA molecules, they found that DNA has the structure of a double helix, consisting of two spirals linked together at the base, forming ladderlike rungs. For this work they shared the 1962 Nobel Prize for physiology or medicine with Maurice Wilkins.
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