
[fruhs-trey-tid] /ˈfrʌs treɪ tɪd/

disappointed; thwarted:
an announcer who was a frustrated actor.
having a feeling of or filled with ; dissatisfied:
His unresolved difficulty left him absolutely frustrated.
[fruhs-treyt] /ˈfrʌs treɪt/
verb (used with object), frustrated, frustrating.
to make (plans, efforts, etc.) worthless or of no avail; defeat; nullify:
The student’s indifference frustrated the teacher’s efforts to help him.
to disappoint or thwart (a person):
a talented woman whom life had frustrated.
verb (used without object), frustrated, frustrating.
to become :
His trouble is that he frustrates much too easily.
Obsolete. frustrated.
having feelings of dissatisfaction or lack of fulfilment
verb (transitive)
to hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of; thwart
to upset, agitate, or tire: her constant complaints began to frustrate him
(archaic) frustrated or thwarted; baffled

“disappointed,” 1640s, past participle adjective from frustrate.

mid-15c., from Latin frustratus, past participle of frustrari “to deceive, disappoint, frustrate,” from frustra (adv.) “in vain, in error,” related to fraus “injury, harm” (see fraud). Related: Frustrated; frustrating.

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