
[gash] /gæʃ/

adjective, Chiefly Scot.
wise, sagacious.
neat; well-dressed; well-groomed.
[gash] /gæʃ/
adjective, Scot. Archaic.
dreary or gloomy in appearance.
(transitive) to make a long deep cut or wound in; slash
a long deep cut or wound
(slang) surplus to requirements; unnecessary, extra, or spare

1540s, from Middle English garce (early 13c.), from Old North French garser “to scarify, cut, slash” (Old French *garse), apparently from Vulgar Latin *charassare, from Greek kharassein “engrave,” from PIE *gher- “to scrape, scratch” (cf. character). Loss of -r- is characteristic (see ass (n.2)). Slang use for “vulva” dates to mid-1700s.

1560s, alteration of garsen (late 14c.), from Old North French garser “to cut, slash” (see gash (n.)). Related: Gashed; gashing.

gash (gāsh)
v. gashed, gash·ing, gash·es
To make a long, deep cut in; slash deeply. n.



To do the sex act: We gashed (1980s+ Students)


Extra or unexpected portions, bits of luck, etc; dividends; bonuses

[WWII Army fr 1900s+ British Navy; origin unknown; perhaps fr French gache´, ”spoiled,” since it occurs in gash bucket, ”garbage bin”]

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