[jee-og-nuh-see] /dʒiˈɒg nə si/
Archaic. a science dealing with the constituent parts of the earth, its envelope of air and water, its crust, and the condition of its interior.
the study of the origin and distribution of minerals and rocks in the earth’s crust: superseded generally by the term geology
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- Geogr.
1. geographic 2. geography
- Geographer
[jee-og-ruh-fer] /dʒiˈɒg rə fər/ noun 1. a person who specializes in research, delineation, and study. n. 1540s, from Medieval Latin geographus (see geography) + agent noun ending -er (1).
- Geographic
[jee-uh-graf-i-kuh l] /ˌdʒi əˈgræf ɪ kəl/ adjective 1. of or relating to . 2. of or relating to the natural features, population, industries, etc., of a region or regions. adj. 1620s, shortened form of geographical; in some cases probably from Middle French géographique. adj. 1550s, from Late Latin geographicus (from Greek geographikos, from geographia; see […]
- Geographical
[jee-uh-graf-i-kuh l] /ˌdʒi əˈgræf ɪ kəl/ adjective 1. of or relating to . 2. of or relating to the natural features, population, industries, etc., of a region or regions. adj. 1550s, from Late Latin geographicus (from Greek geographikos, from geographia; see geography) + -al (1). Related: Geographically.
- Geographical determinism
noun 1. (sociol) the theory that human activity is determined by geographical conditions