
[jur-muh-nl; French zher-mee-nal] /ˈdʒɜr mə nl; French ʒɛr miˈnal/

(in the French Revolutionary calendar) the seventh month of the year, extending from March 21 to April 19.
(italics) a novel (1884) by Émile Zola.
of, relating to, or like germs or a germ cell
of, or in the earliest stage of development; embryonic
the month of buds: the seventh month of the French revolutionary calendar, from March 22 to April 20

1808, from Modern Latin germinalis “in the germ,” from Latin germen (genitive germinis) “sprout, bud, sprig, offshoot” (see germ) + -al (1).

germinal ger·mi·nal (jûr’mə-nəl)

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