[zher-vey; French zher-ve] /ʒɛrˈveɪ; French ʒɛrˈvɛ/
(sometimes initial capital letter) an unsalted French cream cheese made from whole milk and cream.
Ricky. born 1961, British comedian, writer, and actor; his TV series include The Office (2001–03), and Extras (2005–07)
masc. proper name, French Gervais, from Old High German Gervas, literally “serving with one’s spear,” from ger “spear” + Celtic base *vas- “servant.”
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/ˈɡɛrɪən/ noun 1. (Greek myth) a winged monster with three bodies joined at the waist, killed by Hercules, who stole the monster’s cattle as his tenth labour
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