finely ground rock material produced by the grinding action of a glacier on its bed.
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- Glacial-milk
noun 1. waters of a glacial stream in which particles of light-colored silt are suspended.
- Glacial striation
glacial striation One of several, long, straight, parallel lines or grooves in a bedrock surface, formed by boulders, gravel, and pebbles embedded in a glacier that has passed over the surface.
- Glacial valley
glacial valley A steep-sided, U-shaped valley formed by the erosional forces of a moving glacier.
- Glaciation
[gley-shee-eyt, -see-] /ˈgleɪ ʃiˌeɪt, -si-/ verb (used with object), glaciated, glaciating. 1. to cover with ice or . 2. to affect by glacial action. verb (used without object), glaciated, glaciating. 3. to become frozen or covered with ice or . /ˈɡleɪsɪˌeɪt/ verb 1. to cover or become covered with glaciers or masses of ice 2. […]
- Glaciate
[gley-shee-eyt, -see-] /ˈgleɪ ʃiˌeɪt, -si-/ verb (used with object), glaciated, glaciating. 1. to cover with ice or . 2. to affect by glacial action. verb (used without object), glaciated, glaciating. 3. to become frozen or covered with ice or . /ˈɡleɪsɪˌeɪt/ verb 1. to cover or become covered with glaciers or masses of ice 2. […]