waters of a glacial stream in which particles of light-colored silt are suspended.
Read Also:
- Glacial striation
glacial striation One of several, long, straight, parallel lines or grooves in a bedrock surface, formed by boulders, gravel, and pebbles embedded in a glacier that has passed over the surface.
- Glacial valley
glacial valley A steep-sided, U-shaped valley formed by the erosional forces of a moving glacier.
- Glaciation
[gley-shee-eyt, -see-] /ˈgleɪ ʃiˌeɪt, -si-/ verb (used with object), glaciated, glaciating. 1. to cover with ice or . 2. to affect by glacial action. verb (used without object), glaciated, glaciating. 3. to become frozen or covered with ice or . /ˈɡleɪsɪˌeɪt/ verb 1. to cover or become covered with glaciers or masses of ice 2. […]
- Glaciate
[gley-shee-eyt, -see-] /ˈgleɪ ʃiˌeɪt, -si-/ verb (used with object), glaciated, glaciating. 1. to cover with ice or . 2. to affect by glacial action. verb (used without object), glaciated, glaciating. 3. to become frozen or covered with ice or . /ˈɡleɪsɪˌeɪt/ verb 1. to cover or become covered with glaciers or masses of ice 2. […]
- Glacier
[gley-sher] /ˈgleɪ ʃər/ noun 1. an extended mass of ice formed from snow falling and accumulating over the years and moving very slowly, either descending from high mountains, as in valley glaciers, or moving outward from centers of accumulation, as in continental glaciers. /ˈɡlæsɪə; ˈɡleɪs-/ noun 1. a slowly moving mass of ice originating from […]