a volcanic mountain in NW central Washington, in the Cascade range. 10,541 feet (3213 meters).
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- Glaciers
[gley-sher] /ˈgleɪ ʃər/ noun 1. an extended mass of ice formed from snow falling and accumulating over the years and moving very slowly, either descending from high mountains, as in valley glaciers, or moving outward from centers of accumulation, as in continental glaciers. /ˈɡlæsɪə; ˈɡleɪs-/ noun 1. a slowly moving mass of ice originating from […]
- Glacier-table
noun 1. a stone slab supported over the surface of a mountain glacier by a column or columns of ice. noun 1. a rock sitting on a pillar of ice on top of a glacier, as a result of the ice immediately beneath the rock being protected from the heat of the sun and not […]
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[gley-shee-ol-uh-jist, -see-] /ˌgleɪ ʃiˈɒl ə dʒɪst, -si-/ noun 1. .
- Glaciology
[gley-shee-ol-uh-jee, -see-] /ˌgleɪ ʃiˈɒl ə dʒi, -si-/ noun 1. the branch of geology that deals with the nature, distribution, and action of and with their effect on the earth’s topography. /ˌɡlæsɪˈɒlədʒɪ; ˌɡleɪ-/ noun 1. the study of the distribution, character, and effects of glaciers n. 1856, from Latin glacies “ice” (see glacial) + -ology. Related: […]
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[gley-sis, glas-is] /ˈgleɪ sɪs, ˈglæs ɪs/ noun, plural glacis [gley-seez, -siz, glas-eez, -iz] /ˈgleɪ siz, -sɪz, ˈglæs iz, -ɪz/ (Show IPA), glacises. 1. a gentle slope. 2. Fortification. a bank of earth in front of the counterscarp or covered way of a fort, having an easy slope toward the field or open country. /ˈɡlæsɪs; ˈɡlæsɪ; […]