
[gloomz] /glumz/

plural noun
the blues; melancholy (usually preceded by the).
[gloom] /glum/
total or partial darkness; dimness.
a state of melancholy or depression; low spirits.
a despondent or depressed look or expression.
verb (used without object)
to appear or become dark, dim, or somber.
to look sad, dismal, or dejected; frown.
verb (used with object)
to fill with gloom; make or sad; sadden.
to make dark or somber.
partial or total darkness
a state of depression or melancholy
an appearance or expression of despondency or melancholy
(poetic) a dim or dark place
(intransitive) to look sullen or depressed
to make or become dark or gloomy

c.1300 as a verb, “to look sullen or displeased,” perhaps from Scandinavian (cf. Norwegian dialectal glome “to stare somberly”). Not considered to be related to Old English glom “twilight,” but perhaps to Middle Low German glum “turbid,” Dutch gluren “to leer.” The noun is 1590s in Scottish, “sullen look,” from the verb. Sense of “darkness, obscurity” is first recorded 1629 in Milton’s poetry; that of “melancholy” is 1744 (gloomy in this sense is attested from 1580s).

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