[glahy-kohs-yoo-ree-uh] /ˌglaɪ koʊs yʊˈri ə/
noun, Pathology.
excretion of glucose in the urine, as in diabetes.
the presence of excess sugar in the urine, as in diabetes
glycosuria gly·co·su·ri·a (glī’kə-sur’ē-ə, -shur’-)
gly’co·su’ric adj.
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- Glycosyl
glycosyl gly·co·syl (glī’kə-sĭl’) n. A univalent radical resulting from detachment of a hydroxyl group from the hemiacetal of a cyclic glucose.
- Glycosylated hemoglobin
glycosylated hemoglobin gly·co·sy·lat·ed hemoglobin (glī-kō’sə-lā’tĭd) n. Any of four hemoglobin fractions that together account for less than 4 percent of the total hemoglobin in the blood.
- Glycosylation
/ˌɡlaɪkəʊsəˈleɪʃən/ noun 1. the process by which sugars are chemically attached to proteins to form glycoproteins glycosylation gly·co·sy·la·tion (glī’kə-sə-lā’shən) n. The addition of glycosyl groups to a protein to form a glycoprotein.
- Glycosyltransferase
glycosyltransferase gly·co·syl·trans·fer·ase (glī’kə-sĭl-trāns’fə-rās’, -rāz’) n. An enzyme that catalyzes the transfer of glycosyl groups from one compound to another.
- Glycotrophic
glycotrophic gly·co·troph·ic (glī’kə-trŏf’ĭk, -trō’fĭk) or gly·co·trop·ic (-trŏp’ĭk, -trō’pĭk) adj. Tending to antagonize the action of insulin and cause hyperglycemia.