[nos-uh s] /ˈnɒs əs/
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- Gnostical
[nos-tik] /ˈnɒs tɪk/ adjective, Also, gnostical 1. pertaining to knowledge. 2. possessing knowledge, especially esoteric knowledge of spiritual matters. 3. (initial capital letter) pertaining to or characteristic of the Gnostics. noun 4. (initial capital letter) a member of any of certain sects among the early Christians who claimed to have superior knowledge of spiritual matters, […]
- Gnosticism
[nos-tuh-siz-uh m] /ˈnɒs təˌsɪz əm/ noun, Roman Catholic Church. 1. a group of ancient heresies, stressing escape from this world through the acquisition of esoteric knowledge. /ˈnɒstɪˌsɪzəm/ noun 1. a religious movement characterized by a belief in gnosis, through which the spiritual element in man could be released from its bondage in matter: regarded as […]
- Gnosticize
[nos-tuh-sahyz] /ˈnɒs təˌsaɪz/ verb (used without object), Gnosticized, Gnosticizing. 1. to adopt or maintain Gnostic views. verb (used with object), Gnosticized, Gnosticizing. 2. to explain on Gnostic principles; give a Gnostic interpretation of or quality to. /ˈnɒstɪˌsaɪz/ verb 1. (intransitive) to maintain or profess Gnostic views 2. to put a Gnostic interpretation upon (something)
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gnotobiology gno·to·bi·ol·o·gy (nō’tō-bī-ŏl’ə-jē) n. The study of organisms or conditions that are either free of germs or associated only with known or specified germs.
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[noh-toh-bahy-oh-sis] /ˌnoʊ toʊ baɪˈoʊ sɪs/ noun 1. an environmental condition in which germfree animals have been inoculated with strains of known microorganisms.