gnotobiology gno·to·bi·ol·o·gy (nō’tō-bī-ŏl’ə-jē)
The study of organisms or conditions that are either free of germs or associated only with known or specified germs.
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[noh-toh-bahy-oh-sis] /ˌnoʊ toʊ baɪˈoʊ sɪs/ noun 1. an environmental condition in which germfree animals have been inoculated with strains of known microorganisms.
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gnotobiota gno·to·bi·o·ta (nō’tō-bī-ō’tə) n. The aggregate of specified microorganisms with which a germ-free laboratory animal or plant has been infected.
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[noh-toh-bahy-oht] /ˌnoʊ toʊˈbaɪ oʊt/ noun 1. a animal. gnotobiote gno·to·bi·ote (nō’tō-bī’ōt’) n. A germ-free animal infected with one or more microorganisms in order to study the microorganism in a controlled situation.
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[noh-toh-bahy-ot-ik] /ˌnoʊ toʊ baɪˈɒt ɪk/ adjective 1. (of germfree animals) inoculated with microorganisms of a given type. gnotobiotic gno·to·bi·ot·ic (nō’tō-bī-ŏt’ĭk) adj.
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/ˌnəʊtəʊbaɪˈɒtɪks/ noun 1. (functioning as sing) the study of organisms living in germ-free conditions or when inoculated with known microorganisms gnotobiotics gno·to·bi·ot·ics (nō’tō-bī-ŏt’ĭks) n. Gnotobiology.