
[gon, guhn] /gɒn, gʌn/

Maud (“Irish Joan of Arc”) 1865–1953, Irish political activist and actress, born in England.

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  • Gono-

    1. a combining form meaning “sexual,” “reproductive,” used in the formation of compound words: gonophore. combining form 1. sexual or reproductive: gonorrhoea gono- or gon- pref. Sexual; reproductive: gonophore.

  • Gonocide

    gonocide gon·o·cide (gŏn’ə-sīd’) n. An agent that destroys gonococci. Also called gonococcicide.

  • Gonococcal conjunctivitis

    gonococcal conjunctivitis n. Severe conjunctivitis caused by gonococci and marked by intense swelling of the conjunctiva and eyelids and by a profuse purulent discharge.

  • Gonococcemia

    gonococcemia gon·o·coc·ce·mi·a (gŏn’ə-kŏk-sē’mē-ə) n. The presence of gonococci in the blood.

  • Gonococcic

    [gon-uh-kok-uh s] /ˌgɒn əˈkɒk əs/ noun, plural gonococci [gon-uh-kok-sahy, -see] /ˌgɒn əˈkɒk saɪ, -si/ (Show IPA) 1. the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae, causing gonorrhea. /ˌɡɒnəʊˈkɒkəs/ noun (pl) -cocci (-ˈkɒksaɪ) 1. a spherical Gram-negative bacterium, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, that causes gonorrhoea: family Neisseriaceae gonococcic gon·o·coc·cic (gŏn’ə-kŏk’ĭk, -kŏk’sĭk) adj. Relating to the gonococcus. gonococcus gon·o·coc·cus (gŏn’ə-kŏk’əs) n. pl. gon·o·coc·ci […]

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