Google wash
See Google bombing
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- Googlewhack
/ˈɡuːɡəlˌwæk/ noun 1. a search of the internet, using the Google search engine and without using quote marks, for a combination of two legitimate words that yields only one result
- Googlewhacking
noun the pastime of trying to find get a multiword search to retrieve only one search result on Google Usage Note googlewhack, v; googlewhack, n
- Googly
[goo-glee] /ˈgu gli/ noun, plural googlies. Cricket. 1. a bowled ball that swerves in one direction and breaks in the other. /ˈɡuːɡlɪ/ noun (pl) -lies 1. (cricket) an off break bowled with a leg break action as a noun, a cricket term, 1903, of unknown origin. As an adjective, of eyes, 1901. adjective Protruding; exophthalmic: […]
- Googly-eyed
[goo-glee-ahyd] /ˈgu gliˌaɪd/ adjective 1. .
- Googol
[goo-gawl, -gol, -guh l] /ˈgu gɔl, -gɒl, -gəl/ noun 1. a number that is equal to 1 followed by 100 zeros and expressed as 10 100 . /ˈɡuːɡɒl; -ɡəl/ noun 1. the number represented as one followed by 100 zeros (10100) n. 1940, in “Mathematics and the Imagination,” a layman’s book on mathematics written by […]