[gawr-guh n-zoh-luh] /ˌgɔr gənˈzoʊ lə/
a strongly flavored, semisoft variety of Italian milk cheese veined with mold.
a semihard blue-veined cheese of sharp flavour, made from pressed milk
type of blue cheese, 1878, named for Gorgonzola, village near Milan where it first was made.
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- Gorgonzola dolce
noun See Dolcelatte cheese
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/ˈɡɔːriː/ noun 1. (Hinglish, informal) a White or fair-skinned female
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[gawr-ee, gohr-ee] /ˈgɔr i, ˈgoʊr i/ adjective, gorier, goriest. 1. covered or stained with ; bloody. 2. resembling . 3. involving much bloodshed and violence: a gory battle. 4. unpleasant or disagreeable: to reveal the gory details of a divorce. /ˈɡɔːrɪ/ adjective gorier, goriest 1. horrific or bloodthirsty: a gory story 2. involving bloodshed and […]