[gawr-ing, gor-] /ˈgɔr ɪŋ, ˈgɒr-/
noun, Nautical.
the triangular area along a leech of a square sail, created by the presence of a .
[gair-ing, gur-; German gœ-ring] /ˈgɛər ɪŋ, ˈgɜr-; German ˈgœ rɪŋ/
Hermann Wilhelm
[her-mahn vil-helm,, hur-muh n-wil-helm;; German her-mahn vil-helm] /ˈhɛr mɑn ˈvɪl hɛlm,, ˈhɜr mənˈwɪl hɛlm;; German ˈhɛr mɑn ˈvɪl hɛlm/ (Show IPA), 1893–1946, German field marshal and Nazi party leader.
[gawr, gohr] /gɔr, goʊr/
verb (used with object), gored, goring.
to pierce with or as if with a horn or tusk.
[gawr, gohr] /gɔr, goʊr/
a triangular piece of material inserted in a garment, sail, etc., to give it greater width or a desired shape.
Compare (def 1), (def 1).
one of the panels, usually tapering or shaped, making up a garment, as a skirt.
a triangular tract of land, especially one lying between larger divisions.
verb (used with object), gored, goring.
to make or furnish with a gore or gores.
blood shed from a wound, esp when coagulated
(informal) killing, fighting, etc
(transitive) (of an animal, such as a bull) to pierce or stab (a person or another animal) with a horn or tusk
a tapering or triangular piece of material used in making a shaped skirt, umbrella, etc
a similarly shaped piece, esp of land
(transitive) to make into or with a gore or gores
Al(bert) Jr. born 1948, US Democrat politician; vice president of the US (1993–2001); defeated in the disputed presidential election of 2000; leading environmental campaigner; shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize with the Intergovernmental Panel For Climate Change
/German ˈɡøːrɪŋ/
Hermann Wilhelm (ˈhɛrman ˈvɪlhɛlm). 1893–1946, German Nazi leader and field marshal. He commanded Hitler’s storm troops (1923) and as Prussian prime minister and German commissioner for aviation (1933–45) he founded the Gestapo and mobilized Germany for war. Sentenced to death at Nuremberg, he committed suicide
Old English gor “dirt, dung, filth, shit,” a Germanic word (cf. Middle Dutch goor “filth, mud;” Old Norse gor “cud;” Old High German gor “animal dung”), of uncertain origin. Sense of “clotted blood” (especially shed in battle) developed by 1560s.
“triangular piece of ground,” Old English gara, related to gar “spear” (see gar), on the notion of “triangularity.” Hence also meanings “front of a skirt” (mid-13c.), and “triangular piece of cloth” (early 14c.).
c.1400, from Scottish gorren “to pierce, stab,” origin unknown, perhaps related to Old English gar “spear” (see gar, also gore (n.2) “triangular piece of ground”). Related: Gored; goring.
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