
Bridge. the winning of all thirteen tricks of a deal.
Compare .
Also, grand-slammer. Baseball. a home run with three runners on base.
Sports. the winning by a single player of several designated major championship contests in one season, as in golf or tennis.
any sweeping success or total victory.
(bridge) the winning of 13 tricks by one player or side or the contract to do so
(tennis, golf)

(often capital) (rugby Union) the winning of all five games in the annual Six Nations Championship involving England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, France, and Italy Compare triple crown (sense 3)


: grand-slam home run

noun phrase

[fr a bridge term for winning all the tricks in one hand]
A sweeping success or total victory, as in This presentation gave us a grand slam—every buyer placed an order. This term originated in the early 1800s in the card game of whist (forerunner of contract bridge), where it refers to the taking of all thirteen tricks. It later was extended to bridge and various sports, where it has different meanings: in baseball, a home run hit with runners on all the bases, resulting in four runs for the team; in tennis, winning all four national championships in a single calendar year; in golf, winning all four major championships. In the 1990s the term was used for four related proposals presented on a ballot at once.

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